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# Einträge: 36

11. Juli 2024

Bonzano, S.; Dallorto, E.; Bovetti, S.; Studer, M.; De Marchis, S.

Mitochondrial regulation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis: Insights into neurological function and neurodevelopmental disorders

Neurobiology of Disease, 2024, Vol. 199, 106604

Keywords: Mitochondria; Nr2f1; BBSOAS; Adult neural stem cells; Dentate gyrus

5. Juli 2024

Löhn, M., Wirth, K.J.

Potential pathophysiological role of the ion channel TRPM3 in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and the therapeutic effect of low-dose naltrexone

J Transl Med 22, 630 (2024)

Keywords: TRPM3 channel; Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic fatigue syndrome; ME/CFS; Post-COVID syndrome; Long-COVID; Exercise intolerance; GABA; Small fiber neuropathy; Naltrexone
Conclusion: Investigating TRPM3 dysfunction in ME/CFS and PCS is crucial for advancing our understanding of the pathophysiology of these conditions. TRPM3 dysfunction is relevant to the pathophysiology of ME/CFS …weiterlesen at three critical levels: in NK cells, sensory nerve fibers, and the brain.This dysfunction may contribute to the immunological disturbances, skeletal muscle dysfunction, and neurological symptoms observed in ME/CFS and PCS. Thus, TRPM3 dysfunction holds significant pathophysiological potential in relation to ME/CFS. Given the existence of multiple splice variants of the TRPM3 channel, each affecting channel properties significantly, it is important to investigate whether specific splice variants contribute to TRPM3 dysfunction and constitute significant risk factors for the development of ME/CFS. Improving TRPM3 dysfunction in small nerve fibers and the brain with low-dose naltrexone (LDN) may better explain its clinical efficacy in ME/CFS than solely targeting TRPM3 function in NK cells.

12. Juni 2024

Hunt, K.; Maclean, A.; Locock, L.; O’Dwyer, C.; Nettleton, S.; Ziebland, S.; Wild, C.

Young adults’ experiences of biographical retrogression whilst living with long COVID

Sociology of Health & Illness 2024, 1–21

Keywords: biographical disruption, biographical retrogression, experience of illness, long COVID, young people

1. Juni 2024

Fineberg, H.V.; Brown, L.; Worku, T.; Goldowitz, I. (Editors)

A Long COVID Definition: A Chronic, Systemic Disease State with Profound Consequences (Consensus Study Report)

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024 – Washington, DC: The National Academies Press

31. Dezember 2023

Thoma, M.; Froehlich, L.; Hattesohl, D.B.R.; Quante, S.; Jason, L.A.; Scheibenbogen, C.

Why the Psychosomatic View on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Is Inconsistent with Current Evidence and Harmful to Patients

Medicina 2024, 60, 83

Keywords: myalgic encephalomyelitis; chronic fatigue syndrome; ME/CFS
Conclusion: False Psychosomatic Attributions on the Etiology of ME/CFS Hinder Adequate Patient Care. Even though, in recent years, more and more healthcare practitioners view ME/CFS correctly as a somatic …weiterlesen illness, there are still widespread views in the medical community of ME/CFS being a psychosomatic illness. These views are detrimental for affected patients as they can result in misdiagnosis and harmful therapies, such as GET, which can result in lasting worsening of symptoms. Moreover, false psychosomatic attributions lead to stigmatization. A correct biomedical understanding of ME/CFS in line with the current state of empirical evidence for treatment is, therefore, essential to providing adequate care to patients with ME/CFS.

Siehe auch Deutschen Gesellschaft für ME/CFS

6. April 2023

Grande, T.; Grande, B.; Gerner, P.; Hammer, S.; Stingl, M.; Vink, M.; Hughes, B.M.

The Role of Psychotherapy in the Care of Patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Medicina 2023, 59, 719

Keywords: chronic fatigue syndrome; cognitive behavioral therapy; exercise; myalgic encephalomyelitis; pacing; psychotherapy; post-exertional malaise
Conclusion: There are several important and clear distinctions to be made between the pacing-led ME/CFS treatment approach that is outlined above and in many of the so-called ‘standard’ psychotherapeutic …weiterlesen techniques that are often used with patients in health contexts. Challenging patients’ cognitions and stress limits is so elementary to routine psychotherapeutic/psychosomatic care that doubts about so-called ‘modifications’ in the sense of a ‘particularly careful’ approach to ME/CFS patients are, in our opinion, justified. However, conventional approaches involve unfulfillable therapeutic promises and the serious danger of deterioration. We, therefore, believe that a radical paradigm shift is needed in psychotherapy, health psychology, and other fields where psychosocial and behavioral support is provided to ill people, and which recognizes the somatic nature of ME/CFS and adjusts therapeutic goals accordingly. A particular imposition of ME/CFS is the phenomenon of PEM, whose control by means of pacing demands a high degree of vigilance, discipline, and renunciation from the patients. This means an enormous challenge for those affected, which is not encountered in this specific way in other chronic diseases. A psychotherapy that takes these realities into account and offers help in coping with them can make an important and, in our view, an indispensable contribution to the care of ME/CFS patients.

Siehe auch Deutschen Gesellschaft für ME/CFS (deutsche Übersetzung)